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Pindarie Wines

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Pindarie Riesling

An exciting new corner to the Pindarie Range. This wine recognises the importance of the vineyard site, Pindarie being predominately a red varietal producer we have sought a wine which showcases the great diversity of our surrounding regions. 

The cool climate off the Eden Valley is renowned for producing definitive high quality Riesling. Alluring aromas of lemons and limes trailed with a mineral edge and natural bracing acidity, a wine which shows great fruit purity and finishes clean and crisp

Pindarie Bar Rossa - Tempranillo Sangiovese Shiraz

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Careful planning goes into the makeup of this medium-bodied blend. There is a synergy with the co-fermentation of the low acid Tempranillo and the high acid Sangiovese. A small amount of Shiraz was later included in the blend which softened the tannins slightly. 

This Mediterranean blend shows the best of its two main components: aromas of black cherries and plums from the 'Sangio', and spice and brambles from the 'Temp'. A hint of blackberry and pepper comes from the Shiraz. 

It is carefully a medium-bodied wine, with flavours consistent on the nose, a velvety texture and softly drying tannins. 

Pindarie La Femme


If you are not aware, Savagnin is not some sort of cousin of "Sauvignon' (blanc...); it's a fiercely independent variety all of its own, with its own character - and mojo.

It is known for its aromas of white peaches and nectarines, some straw, and tropical hints. This year we see all those characters, plus an interesting herbal edge; hints of sage and mint - intriguing stuff.

The variety is renowned for a depth of flavour and texture that's a notch above many other white varieties. You will notice a mouth filling richness, yet it retains a fresh, zesty profile that's refreshing. 

Pindarie - The Risk Taker - Tempranillo


Tempranillo is moving from ‘exotic newcomer’ to ‘old friend’ quite quickly, and is undoubtedly one of the fastest-growing ‘new’ varieties in Australia.

However, we suspect that not everyone jumping on the bandwagon will be happy with the result: it’s a peculiar variety to grow, with habits that take time to learn. It is sensitive to excess heat and aridity, prone to losing leaves from the shoots and acidity from the berries. It needs careful attention to achieve even and full ripening without damage in the event of hot weather in the ripening phase.

We are both very careful – and after several years now, relatively experienced! As it ripens we sample the bunches at least twice per week, ensure that it receives enough water to keep the canopy fresh, and pick at moderate ripeness – we want freshness and vibrancy in the flavours, so that the resultant wine is also fresh, with Temp’s signature aromatics and flesh.

Pindarie - Schoffs Hill - Cabernet Sauvignon


Cabernet is undoubtedly one of the world’s great grapes. Blessed with distinctive aromas and flavours, and a tannic profile which almost guarantees ageing potential, it has migrated from its home in France to almost every grape growing region around the planet.

In the Barossa and other warm regions the challenge is to preserve its distinctive character; avoiding a flatness and confected aromas that accompany over-ripe fruit.

Our single-vineyard Cabernet can be seen from the kitchen table! It is classic red earth over limestone; low-yielding vines which produce often straggly bunches of small berries. But those small berries pack a punch of varietal character and tannin which make lovely wine.

Pindarie - Western Ridge - Shiraz


2020 is a wine with lots of spice, and flavours of blackberry. It’s a rich, full‑flavoured, generous wine, with the structure to age and compliment a range of foods. An excellent vintage that will cellar 10 years or more. The older it becomes, the richer the flavours as it was a low yield concentrated vintage. It's a a cracker!

Well balanced, deep purple red, powerfully fragrant with an abundance of fruits: blackberry, cherry, black olive, spices, and a hint of meaty complexity. A faint aroma of fine toasted French oak barrels. 

It's so well balanced  like the 2018, that it will age beautifully.

Pindarie - "Black Hinge" Premium Shiraz


Black Hinge is a Reserve range of wines in the best vintage years when an exceptional batch of fruit has been taken aside and given special attention combined with slow maturation in fine oak

The Shiraz exhibits a deep rich brick red colour. There is an elegant lifted aroma of vanillin and dark chocolate. This is complimented by dark fruit cake aromas from the Shiraz fruit. The complex nose is evident on the palate where the fleshy fruit fills the mouth and is drawn through the palate finishing with long silky tannins.

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